10 Star Wars Fan Theories Better Than What We Got

The fan theory reason behind Mace Windu's Anakin Skywalker jealousy makes too much sense!

By Gareth Morgan /

When a franchise boasts the frankly absurd amount of expanded universe comic book material, animated and live-action TV shows, and big-screen adventures that George Lucas' galaxy far, far away does, it's only natural to assume that fans will interpret the many intriguing elements of those various tales rather differently as time goes by.


And with these differences in opinion and varied perspectives often come a wide array of compelling theories as to what the future could hold for the many major players occupying various corners of this inter-galactic setting. In fact, there have been a great many cases when the imaginations of those who dedicate countless hours to consuming Star Wars goodness have actually provided a much more riveting and satisfying explanation or development for a character or story as a whole than the canon offerings themselves.

Sure, not every fan theory pumped onto the Internet is worth going out of your way to unpack; there are still folks out there who believe Rey is actually a reincarnated Anakin Skywalker, for example.

But from unexpected double-agents, to fascinating explanations behind why certain Jedi didn't see eye-to-eye, it's hard to argue against the following opinions and takes being much stronger than what Star Wars actually delivered in the end.

10. This Isn't The Book Of Boba Fett You Thought It Was

While it did still come equipped with the odd highlight, it's safe to say The Book of Boba Fett Disney+ series didn't really do enough to justify its own existence for the most part.


However, had Jon Favreau, Dave Filoni, and the gang opted to head down one rather popular fan theory route instead, there's a good chance this tale could've at least gotten off to an instantly jaw-dropping start.

The series gets going by revealing how Fett was able to escape his infamous sarlacc fate post-Return of the Jedi. Yet, one fan seems to believe that it wasn't actually our OG Boba that crawled out of the pit. It was actually another clone trooper who may not have fully aged out due to a mutation or other error and had slipped into life as a Stormtrooper before falling into the sarlacc pit.

The sight of Fett stealing oxygen from the troop could've also just been a distortion of reality brought on by being digested, with the Stormtrooper/clone attempting to stay alive in the beast actually stealing Fett's suit at one point. And this would likely explain why this kind-hearted Boba often feels like an entirely different person throughout the series.
