10 Star Wars Fan Theories Better Than What We Got

9. Yoda Could Manipulate Time

Mace Windu Chosen One

Many were quick to point out how bizarrely fast Luke Skywalker managed to pick up the ways of the Jedi over the course of The Empire Strikes Back, with the son of Anakin going from relative novice to serviceable Jedi in what only seemed like a couple of weeks of training max under Yoda's tutelage on Dagobah.

Yet, one rather intriguing fan theory suggests that Yoda actually managed to master a certain skill that would have allowed Luke the chance to legitimately grow into a believable Jedi. Though specifically not alluded to in the movie itself, some believe that Yoda, being an all-out Master of the Force, found a way to manipulate time while Luke was learning the Jedi ropes, effectively slowing it down so he had enough time to get to grips with the ways of the Force before hooking back up with his pals in Cloud City.

It's already been confirmed in the Jedi: Fallen Order that some Force users can possess the ability to slow down enemies/machines for a spell. So, would you put it past Yoda taking that power to new extremes in his bid to get Luke up to speed?


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...