10 Star Wars Planets That Were Destroyed

When millions of voices cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced...

By Matthew Allen /

There isn't a media franchise more rich for expansion than that of Star Wars. With a whole galaxy to explore, endless planets can be added and visited, bringing additional depth to an already endless realm of possibilities.


It also means we can afford to lose a few every now and again. Planetary destruction has been a feature of Star Wars since its arrival 45 years ago, and with the enhancements of special effects and improved storytelling, it's only become more devastating with every world we lose from this mythos.

Whether it's global calamities, big guns, or the Force, all of these worlds were destroyed, shattered or rendered completely uninhabitable. All are massive losses to that galaxy far, far away, as some of these contain a vast history and have a character all of their own. Oftentimes the destruction of a place is used to kickstart a story in earnest, or as a thrilling climax to cap off an adventure, but even unseen, a planet lost has repercussions that echo throughout the universe.

They may be lost, but they certainly aren't forgotten.

10. Kijimi

This world only stayed part of the Star Wars universe for a cup of coffee, but some big story implications took place before we lost it.


This black-market planet was home to spice runners, back alley droid merchants, and thieves, all of whom took over Kijimi during the formation of the New Republic, who couldn't control the crime-ridden planets. When the First Order took control, they imposed full lockdown of the planet and began kidnapping children to turn them into Stormtroopers.

During the events of The Rise of Skywalker, Rey and her team uncovered the secrets of a Sith dagger with the help of Zorri Bliss, C-3P0 and Babu Frik. Rey and Kylo Ren battled through the Force, and she learned that her grandfather was Emperor Palpatine.

After the Emperor "somehow" returned to the galaxy, he decided to show off his new starships fitted with planet-killing lasers by using Kijimi as an unwilling volunteer. This resulted in one of the more unnerving destructions in the franchise. Rather than just suddenly going boom, the process is slower, showing massive portions of the planet coming away before eventually being engulfed in flame.
