10 Supposedly Badass Film Moments (That Were Totally Underwhelming)

Mr Glass vs The Beast vs David Dunn should have been awesome...

By Sam Ring /

Throwing considerable amounts of time, planning, money, and effort at a particular scene in a film are a common enough occurrence in modern filmmaking. Big-budget productions will tend to invest heavily into having one standout set-piece or moment which they hope, will be one that audiences will watch and celebrate afterwards.


No matter what the moment is, and regardless of whether or not the audience has any reason to anticipate seeing it before entering a screening, there will be a considerable build-up of hype and emphasis on watching these particular moments play out on screen, in the hope that they will get a big reaction.

Sometimes, however, the exact opposite can happen and a moment that the audience is supposed to revel in and unanimously agree stands out or makes the entire film can full flat on its face, whether or not as a result of bad CGI, dodgy acting, or if the whole moment is poorly conceived and/or executed from the get-go.

10. Rey Meets Luke - Star Wars: The Force Awakens

One of the heaviest criticisms aimed at TFA by fans and critics was that the film made absolutely no use of Luke Skywalker throughout almost its entire runtime.


Although the main plotline of the film involved trying to find where Luke was hiding out, it wasn't until the films closing moments when we finally catch up with the saga's foremost Jedi, only for the film to end before he is even given the chance to speak.

Yes, the main character from the original films who the audience spends two hours waiting to appear in the film finally shows up, lifts his hood off his face, and then the film ends. Underwhelming to say the least.

This WAS the key moment in the entire film, as we have the newest protagonist and aspiring Jedi in Rey meeting up with the figure the audience has correctly assumed will be the one to train her, offer him the weapon he and his father wielded a long, long time ago, and then the film just ends.

An entire film's worth of build-up for absolutely nothing.
