10 Terrible Horror Movies That Had Unbelievably Good Endings

These endings saved the movie.

By James Egan /

Although putting together an enthralling horror film is no easy task, nailing the ending is the hardest part. No matter how good a movie is, not delivering a satisfying conclusion can leave a lasting blemish.


However, there are a couple of woeful slashers, sci-fi flicks, and body horrors which have the opposite issue, since they save their best ideas for the last 10 minutes.

These climaxes are so entertaining and shocking, viewers can be a lot more forgiving at the fact they just sat through 80 minutes of dire dialogue, incomplete CGI, and abominable acting. Sometimes, the final scene turns out so flawlessly, that it redeems the whole movie, leaving everyone hungry for more.

The horror features on this list are far from perfect, but it's tough to find fault with these magnificent endings.

10. Ring 0: Birthday

Because Ring 2 felt like a retread of the original Ringu, making a prequel that explored the creator of the killer tape, Sadako, seemed like a sensible decision.


Ring 0: Birthday takes place when Sadako's powers first manifested, which caused her family and friends to turn against her. Sadako was depicted as nothing more than a rage-filled spirit up until this point, so it was refreshing to see her being humanised like this.

Sadly, Ring 0 comes across as a lazy Carrie rip-off. Also, the source of Sadako's abilities don't make any sense.

The only time the prequel does justice to the original is during the final confrontation. When Sadako's step-father, Ikuma, realises she can't control her abilities, he clobbers her across the head before dumping her into a well.

Although this was meant to be a quick and painless death, Sadako survives the blow and the fall. As she looks up, she sees Ikuma sliding a cover over the well. Knowing she'll succumb to a slow and agonising death, Sadako lets out one last desperate scream before Ikuma seals her in total darkness.
