10 Terrible Horror Movies That Had Unbelievably Good Endings

9. Mirrors

As Above, So Below
20th Century Studios

Mirrors opens with divorced ex-cop, Ben Carson (Kiefer Sutherland) starting his new job as a night watchmen at a burned down store. Ben soon discovers there's a dark entity trapped in the building's mirrors, who intends to break into the real world.

Even though Mirrors has an intriguing premise, there's little here that hasn't been done before. What's worse is Mike Flanagan used the same premise for Oculus five years later and made a far better movie, for nearly one-tenth the budget. Coupled with the laughable CGI and the overly long runtime, Mirrors is anything but compelling.

But just when it seems okay to check out, Mirrors throws a major curveball during the final inning. When Ben blows up the store, he successfully vanquishes the supernatural being.

After pulling himself out of the rubble, Ben notices the lettering of every poster, book, and sign is reversed. While looking into a mirror, Ben sees he has no reflection, proving he's now trapped in the mirror world.

Everything else about Mirrors' story and structure is hackneyed, but this original and depressing revelation packs one hell of a punch.

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