10 Terrible Recent Marvel Comics Moments That Shouldn't Make It Into The MCU

You'd have to be crazy to want to see these awful moments in a movie!

By Josh Wilding /

One thing which seems to really upset comic book fans is the fact that the majority of studios fail to faithfully adapt some of their favourite comic book stories. It's understandable in many respects, especially when certain stories - take The Phoenix Saga in X-Men: The Last Stand for example - end up being butchered during their transition from page to screen. However, that does now appear to be changing somewhat. Despite being very different to the story arcs they shared a name with, 2014 saw very satisfying adaptations of both Days Of Future Past and The Winter Soldier. The dreams of many fans would come true when Captain America: Civil War was announced, too. Following the success of releases such as those, you have to imagine that studios will start looking more at the comic books for inspiration than ever. However, there are some stories, moments, and decisions which were bad enough in the comic books, never mind on a cinema screen. Here you'll find just ten recent Marvel Comics moments which should never be brought to life in an upcoming movie. Some were controversial and others were just downright stupid, but it's hard to imagine anyone being excited over the prospect of these moments ever being put on film in one of the numerous comic book movies which are heading our way over the next five years or so.
