10 Terrifying Horror Films That Will Haunt Your 2015

Rob Zombie's doing a killer clown film, if you're low on nightmare fuel...

By Tom Baker /

We've barely passed through 2014 and it's already time to start looking ahead to the New Year, and all the ways we're going to be crapping our pants in 2015. These past twelve months have been pretty great for horror films, with Ti West continuing to deliver on his early promise with Jonestown thriller The Sacrament and The Babadook...just, The Babadook. The next twelve months look to be just as rewarding, as amongst the usual endless churn of remakes, reboots and sequels, there's plenty of devilish diamonds in the rough to savour. Some of those remakes, reboots and sequels look like they might be all right and all, to be fair, but y'know. That's not what you're really after. They're anithetical to scaring audiences, in a way, since it's the unexpected, the unusual that's truly terrifying. By the time you're getting to your second Sinister, your third Insidious, your umpteen Paranormal Activity, you've got a good idea of what's coming. That's not gonna put the fear of God in you, let alone the fear of the Anti-Christ. Some sequels are better than others, but then there's also some legendary Christmas evil, a refreshing new spin on the found footage genre (finally!), a holiday cautionary tale to rival Hostel and the return of Rob Zombie amongst the ten terrifying horror films that will haunt your 2015.