10 Things In Horror Movies That Just Aren't Scary Anymore

Please just stop doing this, Hollywood Horrors.

By Joel Stevenson /

What's your favourite scary movie? Chances are it's not something that's been released in the past 5 or so years. Horror movies over the last ten years have become trope filled exercises in patience for audiences and a game of how many clichés can you fit into one script for Hollywood executives.


Through the rise in popularity of films like Paranormal Activity, Insidious, The Conjuring universe, and their like horror has become something of a bingo game for bad ideas as countless studios try and ape the success of their predecessors all in the name of a quick buck.

Suspense is the key to all horror. The fear of what lurks around the corner and in the dark, but whether it's making a visit to the cinema or scrolling through Netflix these next ten tropes are all but guaranteed to make an appearance.

And let's be frank, they're all tropes that have been used and abused so often they've been rendered wholly unterrifying and more tiring than scary.

10. The Creepy Local

How many times has the main cast of a horror film pulled up at some decrepit run down petrol station or weird hotel that nobody in their right mind would ever dare stay at and bump into some creepy local with foreboding news?


Probably a lot, right?

Hollywood horror movies would have you believe that every small town has a resident wacko just waiting to deliver the news to any unwitting tourists who happen to have come this way.

It's not so much their presence that grates, but the stock character use of them. They're always a little cooky looking with a strange laugh and they talk in incomprehensible riddles and we're always left wondering why the owners of these petrol stations and hotels don't just send them on their way for scaring away potential customers.

Not that any of the characters ever seem to listen.
