10 Things That Will Never Happen In The Marvel Cinematic Universe‏

Characters that would be impossible to create on a movie budget, boring legal wranglings and things that are just plain bad taste.

By Tom Baker /

Never say never when it comes to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It all began with a relatively unknown character in Iron Man, and has since become one of the most popular movie franchises at all time, with each entry in the interlocking franchise smashing box office records and expectations. A Thor movie directed by fancy pants Shakespearean type Kenneth Branagh? Sure! Relying on Guardians of the Galaxy, a bonkers sci-fi trip that most fanboys hadn't even heard of and directed by oddball James Gunn, as the next summer tentpole release? Of course! A comedic take on Ant Man by the director of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz? Bad example. What we're getting at is that Marvel (and their parent company, the House of Mouse) have rarely taken the obvious path when it came to them dominating the Hollywood blockbuster. They ventured down the road less travelled and, whilst they ended up in much the same place to the other big studios, they made some unexpected and brave decisions that actually paid off! They also managed to build a shared universe inspired by the comic books they were adapting, whilst slimming down their years of confusing shared continuity. That said, there are things we're confident that we'll never see in a Marvel movie. Guardians was a surprise, of course, as was the casting of Michael Douglas as Hank Pym, as was Avengers being the biggest movie of all time (directed by multiple noble failure Joss Whedon). But there are storylines, characters and concepts from the comics we are 100% sure will never end up on the silver screen. There are lapses in tone, characterisation, and plain good taste. There are characters and settings you would need an impossible budget to create. There are boring legal wranglings. These are 10 things that will never, ever happen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.