10 Things We Learned From Kevin Smith On Joe Rogan's Podcast

Weed, Bill Cosby and Gerard Way's family secret...

By Simon Gallagher /


Anyone who has ever spent any time in the company of Kevin Smith - whether in person or watching one of his shows - knows he's a great orator, so the chance to see him combine with Joe Rogan - another great talker - for a podcast this week was a great one.


Smith offers insight into all manner of things - it's basically a big stoner conversation, which everyone should have known - but the way he talks about his Jay & Silent Bob Reboot and the approach to releasing it (and touring it) offers way more insight into film-makers' perception of distribution than has been discussed so openly before. And for anyone worrying that they won't get to see the film outside of the tour, Smith does confirm that it will hit cinemas in the wake of his shows in staggered releases.

It's a long one, but it's great to spend a lot of time in Smith's company - particularly if you're already a fan - and hearing his little observations (like acknowledging he doesn't really try to be the best actively and revealing that Columbus is the swinger capital of America) alongside bigger revelations is very entertaining.


Then again, it's the big talking points that we really need to get through...

10. The Coat Is A Homage


He's said it before, but Smith reveals to Rogan that the long coat Silent Bob wears is a tribute to Sam Kinnison, the legendary stand-up comic.


Startlingly, in the same exchange, Rogan reveals in a conversation about the comedians they'd grown up listening to that he had heard years before (during his time on NewsRadio in the 90s) the allegations against Bill Cosby that he drugged people. That's basically two decades - or close to - before they were made public, which is pretty disturbing when you think about it.

That so many people knew and didn't do anything about it is worrying.
