10 Things We Learned From This Year's Super Bowl Trailers

An Ant-Man/Hulk team-up? Best. Super Bowl. EVER.

By Josh Wilding /

The Super Bowl may be a big deal for sports fans, but its the commercials that movie lovers really appreciate. As per usual, the likes of Disney, 20th Century Fox, Paramount, and Universal all shelled out the big bucks to bring sneak peeks from their upcoming releases to the big game, and this year many of those were so good that they managed to overshadow the Carolina Panthers and Denver Broncos. Everything from Captain America: Civil War to X-Men: Apocalypse and the new Bourne movie made their presence felt, while Marvel Studios even delivered an unexpected team-up between two fan-favourite superheroes in the night's best commercial by far. However, what do all of these TV spots tell us about what to expect from some of 2016's biggest and most highly anticipated movies? All of the new footage which was shown off featured some sizeable reveals, and here you will find the ten biggest examples of those Denver may have emerged victorious last night, but film fans were arguably the real winners of Super Bowl 50...
