10 Things You Didn't Know About Christopher Nolan

Why so ignorant?

By Jonathan Cordiner /

2014 has already been a memorable year at the movies, but the fun ain€™t over yet; there are still numerous blockbusters and Oscar candidates to come before we€™ll be in a position to finalise those €˜Best of 2014€™ lists. However, in spite of the fact that there are always treats to be found, it is hard to dispute that Hollywood also seems to become more predictable with each passing year as we endure endless adaptations, sequels, reboots, prequels and sidequels. Ultimately, it€™s somewhat lamentable that there are precious few original films entering the blockbuster sweepstakes nowadays, and even fewer that arrive in cinemas devoid of spoilers and with an air of mystery still intact.In fact, it€™s one of the main reasons why Interstellar €“ Christopher Nolan€™s first foray into full-blown sci-fi and one of the event movies of the year €“ is such an exciting prospect. As we€™ve come to expect from Nolan films, Interstellar has proven to be impressively Internet-proof thus far, and although we do have a basic idea of the plot €“ a team of explorers travel through a wormhole and into the unknown in an attempt to save humanity €“ and a couple of trailers to go on, when it come to advanced publicity Nolan firmly favours the old-fashioned €˜less is more€™ model. The same could be said to apply when it comes to the man himself. Nolan is not a man to court media interest and, while unfailingly polite, often gives the impression that the interviews and press junkets that go hand in hand with productions of the stature he specialises in are mere formalities distracting him from the serious business of conjuring his next big-screen adventure. Nevertheless, after more than a decade in the limelight, some interesting titbits have emerged about the director, and as the anticipation levels rise for Interstellar it's the perfect time to find out more about arguably the best filmmaker in the world right now.