10 Things You Didn't Know About Christopher Nolan

10. He€™s Not Actually British

In many respects, Chris Nolan comes across as the quintessential Englishman: he speaks in soft Estuary tones; his preferred dress €“ practically a trademark these days €“ is a crisp light-blue shirt, waistcoat, smart slacks and an overcoat; and he is seldom to be found without a cup or flask of Earl Grey. However, it may surprise you to learn that he is, in fact, only half-British. His mother Christina is American and his father an Englishman, and although Nolan was born in London he also spent part of his childhood in Chicago. Nolan is proud of his dual citizenship €“ he has the strange quirk of always carrying around both passports in case of emergency €“ and used it to his advantage when initially trying to get his career off the ground. After attending university in London and using the city as the setting for his micro-budget debut feature Following, Nolan immediately moved to LA to shop his debut film around the North American film festival circuit and attract financing for a little script he€™d written called Memento. His American passport helped Nolan jump-start his Hollywood career, and he never looked back.

I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.