10 Thrillers You Need To Watch In 2017

Thrills, chills and spills from some of the industry's finest.

By Liam Lambert /

Packed as they are with shocking twists and scenes of ice-cold tension, movies that are marketed under the loosely defined ‘thriller’ genre can often be counted among the year’s best releases, but are also uniquely difficult to sell to audiences. Revealing too much can ruin any hidden surprises, while giving away too little will have punters wondering why they should bother trekking down to their local cinema.


Such was the case with some of 2016’s best thrillers. The likes of Green Room, The Invitation and 10 Cloverfield Lane each earned significant critical acclaim, but were generally sold on a promise: “The less you know about it, the more you’ll enjoy it.”

With that in mind, it can sometimes be hard to scope out thrillers that could potentially be worth watching. But that doesn’t mean 2017 won’t pack a powerful punch when it comes to thrills and spills – there are some hugely promising thrillers waiting on the horizon, several of them backed up by award-winning actors and directors.

From monster movies and spy-dramas to social media dystopias and 60s pulp pastiches, 2017 will have some inventive ways of keeping you glued to the edge of your seat.

10. Mother!

Penned and directed by Academy Award nominee Darren Aronofsky, Mother! sounds like a veritable hit in the making, despite details about the project being scarce at this point in time. This home invasion thriller boasts a stellar cast, including Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Domhnall Gleeson, and Ed Harris, as well as music from Icelandic composer Jóhann Jóhannsson, who scored The Theory of Everything and Sicario.


Aronofsky’s last film as director was the big-budget biblical epic and Russell Crowe vehicle Noah (2014), but he is more fondly remembered as the helmsman behind Requiem for a Dream and The Wrestler. If Mother! can recapture even a fraction of the tension and unease generated in Aronofsky’s 2010 psychological horror Black Swan, then it could become one of the year’s most exciting prospects.

Mother! hits cinemas on October 13th, 2017.
