10 Times James Bond Turned Into A Complete Psychopath

He's got a licence to kill, and a personality disorder telling him to use it.

By Brogan Morris /

James Bond has, as most know, a fair few problems. He's got those issues with authority (highlighted best with the presence of Judi Dench's M) stemming most likely from his troubled childhood, an inarguable drinking problem, and quite probably a raging sex addiction. Did you know there's also a strong possibility that James Bond is a clinical psychopath? 007 carries some of the better traits of psychopathy, like charm and cunning, as well as the worst: he's ruthless, a daredevil, and is just about lacking that thing the rest of society would call 'a conscience'. As an MI6 agent with a licence to kill, Bond is pretty much entitled to indulge his most psychopathic qualities whenever the hell he chooses. If he wanted, he could kneecap every person who walks down the street looking at him askance, and the worst the British government could probably do is take his licence away and give it to a slightly calmer psycho. Bond doesn't waste bullets like that, though - as a calculating killer, 007 often prefers to despatch his foes in more creative ways. Sometimes, even when he's not killing, Bond is letting slip just what a monster he really is. Here are ten instances in which Bond revealed his inner psychopath.
