10 Times MCU Movies Missed Out Key Plot Points

For better or worse, Marvel Studios have left some vital storylines out of their films.

By Simon Winter /

With the recent news that Taika Watiti may not be bringing the core theme of 'The Mighty Thor' to the new Thor: Love and Thunder, fans of Jason Aaron's run are rightfully upset. Jane Foster's cancer is a crucial feature in the book and while it may not be the family friendly story Marvel want to release, it would be disrespectful to ignore such an emotional anchor completely.


This isn't the only time Marvel will have shied away from the source material. Some of the most important parts of story arcs brought over to the MCU have been left out of the scripts. This could have been due to budget or time constraints, characters not being introduced yet or a movie rights conflict between studios.

Smaller characters and B-stories are easy to cut out and most readers understand this. However, there are some moments that are left behind that fans are much less happy to have glossed over. Vital stories have been reduced to easter eggs or toned down for a family audience, while some have been ignored completely.

10. Donald Blake - Thor

Not all omissions are a bad thing. Before Ragnarok, the Thor movies were some of the lowest rated in the MCU. Imagine how much worse the reaction would have been if they included the Donald Blake storyline. While not a fondly remembered part of the titular character's history, it does provide important context to his and Jane Foster's relationship.


As a lesson in humility, Odin made his son give up Moljnir and sent him to Midgard to live as a regular human. To do this, The All-Father created a new being and imposed Thor's consciousness onto it.

Wanting to give his boy a completely opposite life to what he lived in Asgard, The God of Thunder was given the body of a disabled man and left with no memory of his true identity. The Odinson lived a regular life as a doctor and started dating his co-worker, Jane Foster. Things got complicated after Donald discovers Moljnir and was able to transform into his true form. Jane started developing feelings for both men and a love triangle formed before the truth comes out.

Blake is briefly referenced in Thor: The Dark World by Jane, leading to a scene later where The Odinson uses the name to hide his identity when picking up Erik Selvig from the institute.
