10 Times Spider-Man Was An A**hole

Peter Parker picked a pack of pickled peppers and ate them all in front of starving children.

By Vince Cicchino /

Loving someone unconditionally can make us oblivious to the fact that, sometimes, they are actually an asshole. Yes, Batman may save Gothamites from uncontrollably laughing until they literally split their sides but that doesn€™t make him any less of an ornery b**tard. Superman, the ultimate Boy Scout, actually has an entire site dedicated to showing all the moments in which he has reveled in €˜superdickery€™. When Stan Lee decided that he wanted to be the surrogate grandfather for every single person on the planet by creating timeless characters alongside impeccable artists, he had the intention of creating heroes who had human flaws. Despite being superhuman, they encountered many of the problems that we mere mortals do on a daily basis, like trying to eat a burrito while driving and not spilling chipotle sauce on your shorts or causing an accident that claims the lives of numerous innocents (both equally as bad). However, creating heroes that have relatable qualities also means giving them some less than favourable characteristics; because human beings are the worst that approach means that these characters can usually be smarmy assholes. Spider-Man is no exception. Peter Parker has been an asshole from day one, despite the misconception that he is the downtrodden underdog. Do underdogs have the ability to bend steel with their hands? Or sense when someone is about to slap them upside their asshole head? No, they do not. Only an asshole would complain about being an underdog while using their perfectly chiseled body that they were practically given to have sex with their redhead supermodel wife. Read on to discover tenmoments in Spider-Man€™s colourful history that prove that Peter Parker is an asshole.