10 Totally WTF Horror Movie Twists

Nobody saw these endings coming.

By Brendan Morrow /

Some of the very best horror movies are the ones that constantly make you ask, "what the hell am I watching right now?" They're full of weird, messed up scenes and storylines that you definitely couldn't find anywhere else, and for that reason, this genre is full of the absolute greatest WTF twists in cinema history. After all, horror is all about giving viewers sudden jolts and getting them out of their comfort zone by any means necessary, and what could be more startling than something that you never saw coming? Maybe everyone was actually dead the whole time, maybe some side character was the real villain all along, or maybe the lead's actions were all in vain and the evil is ready to kill again. Either way, these can often result in the most chilling sequences you'll ever see simply because they are so utterly surprising. On the other hand, some are flat out stupid, as if the filmmakers just wanted to throw in a weird plot turn without thinking through the implications of it. Still, whether they're good or bad, these 10 WTF twists are so out there and insane, very few people could have possibly predicted them.