10 Trash Horror Movies With 1 Amazing Kill

Those diamonds buried amongst a pile of utter sh*t.

By Andrew Pollard /

The horror genre is one that's a hugely mixed bag when it comes to quality. Given the relatively low cost involved in putting together certain horror pictures, it's no surprise to see just how prolific the output is for this corner of cinema. And if something ends up being totally dreadful, the largely minimal finances involved in putting that film together means that there's no reason not to simply return to the drawing board and embark on yet another, oft-doomed horror project.


That's not so that horror is totally full of dross, mind, for there are fewer finer sights in the industry than seeing a truly fantastic horror offering.

Still, even in some of the rougher horror movies, there are those shining lights of hope, the glistening diamonds suffocating in a mound of sh*t. Those such diamonds are what's in the spotlight here, with particular attention being paid to some phenomenal kills that are hidden in some pretty darn ropey, usually disappointing films.

With that in mind, then, here are ten awful horror movies that at least offer up one brilliant, memorable, terrifying death sequence.

10. Bloody New Year - The Bear

From director Norman J. Warren, Bloody New Year is a weird, weird movie.


Released straight-to-video in 1987, this film focusses on a group of young adults stranded on small island that just so happens to house the haunted Grand Island Hotel. What follows is a bizarre horror film that lacks any real scares for the majority of its runtime. Sure, our core characters are chased by three angry locals while this is all going on, but the sheer lackadaisical way that these characters react to any supposed terror means the audience has zero stakes in this tale.

When the kills finally do come, one of our protagonists dies from a scratch to the face, another is punched through the stomach, and then that stomach punchee turns into a borderline zombie as Bloody New Year descends into chaos.

Still, one good thing to come from said zombie-ish shenanigans is that this possessed, dead/not dead sort brutally finishes off a chap named the Bear. You see, Bear is one of the aforementioned locals stalking our central group. When it comes to his death, this bland bully of a man has his head turned fully around not once, but twice. Yep, double head twist!
