10 Underwhelming Shock Twists That Made Films Worse

These twists aren't just bad, they're pointless, cliched, and non-sensical.

By James Egan /

If executed correctly, a plot twist can leave an impact on the viewers for the rest of their life. When we learned the truth about Darth Vader or where the planet of the apes really took place, it didn't just surprise us - it shook us to our core. Because this storytelling technique is so impactful, it's tempting to perform a big reveal in every movie.


But just because a revelation or a surprise climax is thrilling doesn't mean it's easy to implement. A bad twist can ruin an otherwise great movie and, more often than not, that's exactly what happens. A twist can be mind-blowing but, if is mishandled, can come across as uncreative, predictable, redundant, or, worst of all, stupid.

You can't just pull the rug from under us for the sake of it. It has to make sense. Instead of being blown away, a lame twist can leave you confused or angry. It can be so absurd, you might burst out laughing when you're meant to be horrified.

These moments may be memorable but not for the reason the filmmakers intended.

10. Glass - Ellie's True Allegience 

M. Night Shyamalan's Split exceeded everyone's expectations, not just because of James MacAvoy's scene-stealing performance as Kevin Crumb but the revelation that the story takes place in the same world as Unbreakable.


Because of the amazing twists in Split and Unbreakable, everyone was excited to see what Shyamalan was going to pull out for the crossover, Glass. But the results were mixed. The problem wasn't that the twist was bad; the problem was there were too many.

In Glass, we learn that the train crash in Unbreakable that Elijah Price orchestrated killed Kevin's father, which led to him awakening his powers as The Beast. This was a clever way to link all the characters in this shared universe. As was the final moment that shows humanity learning of the existence of superbeings, which served as a satisfactory ending as it proved David Dunn didn't die in vain.

But for some reason, Shyamalan didn't think two twists was enough and shoved it another. Before David dies, his doctor, Ellie Staple, is revealed to be a member of a cabal that suppresses all knowledge about superhumans. Unfortunately, inserting one twist too many made the last few scenes come across as clumsy and overstuffed.
