10 Unused Star Wars Movie Sequel Concepts Which Need To Be Used In Future

The Star Wars sequels were divisive, but Lucasfilm came up with a lot of great ideas...

By Josh Wilding /

The Star Wars sequels - and spinoff movies - have been among the most divisive in recent memory, and fans are bound to be debating how the Skywalker Saga ended for years to come. Since 2015, there have been a lot of great ideas, and a lot of bad ones, with a tonne of the former never making it to screen.


For the time being, it seems like the plan is for the franchise to prioritise small screen stories on Disney+, but with Taika Waititi attached to direct an upcoming Star Wars movie, it won't be too long before fans are able to once again explore this Galaxy Far, Far Away on the big screen. Regardless of when and where that and other stories are set, though, there are some unused designs which need to be used.

From returning fan-favourites (in very different forms) to weapons, ships, and even set pieces which Lucasfilm decided against using, there are loads of great ideas here which could massively benefit any number of upcoming movies, TV shows, or, heck, even video games.

The likes of The Rise of Skywalker and Rogue One would have undoubtedly benefited from using these designs, but there's still a chance that they can pop up in the not too distant future...

10. Darth Vader's Castle On Mustafar

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story took fans to Darth Vader's home on Mustafar when Director Krennic found himself brought to his knees by the Sith Lord. The movie didn't spend much time there, unfortunately, but there was once a plan for the castle to serve as Kylo Ren's new base in The Force Awakens (hence why a squadron of TIE Fighters are shown leaving here).


This version is quite a bit different to what ultimately ended up on screen, and is depicted as an ancient fortress. A foreboding and quite frightening structure. It also feels like a fitting home for a Sith Lord, and somewhere a "wannabe" like Kylo Ren would definitely want to make his own.

Giving that villain a base could have worked really well in The Force Awakens, but with so much time spent on both the First Order Star Destroyers and Starkiller base, it seems there just wasn't time to include Vader's old home and further explore it beyond a few recent comic books.

Moving forward, however, any story including Vader - or even set after his demise - should further explore this castle and what became of Mustafar when he lived there.
