10 Upcoming 2016 Movies You Should Really Give The Benefit Of The Doubt

Have we judged these very judge-able films far too quickly?

By Sam Hill /

There are some movies that you just know will be downright terrible, no matter how much belief you put into them: there's no point giving flicks The Ridiculous Six or Fifty Shades (Of Grey or Black, it doesn't matter) a chance because even the people who made them haven't put in the effort.


But sometimes we criticise movies too harshly without really stopping to consider whether we have enough evidence to know that they're going to suck. Check out the YouTube comments section for the trailers for a bunch of upcoming movies and you'll discover it's essentially hell on Earth - angry people being angry about movies they haven't seen. Movies that, generally speaking, don't even look that bad - we're all just bandwagoning.

Folk are already hating on the following 10 films, for example, but do they actually look as bad as everyone is making out? Have we been too quick to judge? Might these pictures actually deserve... the benefit of the doubt?


10. The Trailer Was Solid - The Angry Birds Movie

Release Date: May 20, 2016

It's a movie based on a video game that has absolutely no reason to happen, and yet here we are in 2016 and The Birds That Are Angry are coming to a cinema near you.

So people are going to hate on The Angry Birds Movie because its very existence forces you to do exactly that. It has all the makings of a film that deserves to be judged before anyone can actually sit down to watch it. "Is Angry Birds even popular anymore?" you're wondering. "Who is this movie aimed at, really?"


All valid points, of course, but let's look at the evidence. As much as movie-goers probably wanted the trailer for The Angry Birds Movie to suck, it didn't. It's not amazing, but it didn't paint a particularly awful-looking film, either. It looks like your run-of-the-mill animated comedy flick - not destined for Pixar-esque glory, nor Norm Of The North style critical distain. Hey, there are even a few jokes in there that are legitimately funny.

In this case, it seems to be that movie-goers are responding to the idea of an Angry Birds movie rather than the film itself. Don't be too quick to write this one off, though: it was written by Jon Vitti, who has penned some of The Simpsons' all-time best episodes.
