10 Video Game Movies That Made ONE Huge Mistake

Borderlands miscast itself into oblivion.

By Jack Pooley /

Historically speaking, video game movies aren't exactly known for their quality, but in recent years, Hollywood has certainly started to take the medium more seriously and treat it with the respect it actually deserves.


All the same, no adaptation is perfect, and in the case of these 10 video game movies, it's painfully clear that they made one massive mistake above all else.

Perhaps it was so egregious that it ruined an already bad movie, or simply left fans hugely disappointed that it failed to meet its potential. 

Either way, it was a glaring flaw that ended up severely compromising the entire experience.

Maybe the movie ruined an iconic character, screwed up a much-loved location, or injected a godawful subplot into the mix - whatever the reason, these films all had one major problem which detracted from the whole.

Thankfully we're seeing fewer video game movies put their foot in it quite so blatantly these days, but it's still painfully clear how a lack of regard for the source material can leave fans and non-fans alike bemused by the whole thing.

These movies didn't all suck, but these missteps didn't help their case at all...

10. Ruining Nemesis - Resident Evil: Apocalypse

Pretty much all the excitement surrounding Resident Evil: Apocalypse was centred around the appearance of the series' fan-favourite antagonist Nemesis, as was teased at the end of the first movie.


But in a true "be careful what you wish for" outcome, Apocalypse ended up turning Nemesis into a pure laughing stock, enough that many fans ultimately wished the filmmakers never bothered trying.

Even if you can forgive how ludicrously cheap Nemesis' makeup, costume, and visual effects look, the film commits the unforgivable sin of turning the big guy into a weak twerp.

He's defeated by Alice (Milla Jovovich) in a fistfight, and then has a strange late-film face-turn where he gets himself killed while protecting her from Umbrella forces.

Even knowing that this version of Nemesis is Alice's former ally Matt (Eric Mabius), it all adds up to an embarrassing character assassination that undermines whatever good the movie was doing elsewhere. Just... no.
