10 Villains Sony's Spider-Verse Must Introduce (And Who Should Play Them)

D'Onofrio returning as Kingpin is a must, but he needs to leave room for a few new faces.

By Nick Dauk /

The Sony Spider-Verse is expanding.


With Morbius and Venom 2 set to drop this year, fans will have a clearer picture of what Sony's Spider-Verse might look like as its own world. It remains to be seen just how much the MCU will continue to impact these films but it certainly sounds like Sony is ready to explore their own world untethered.

The question is, who exactly will be in that world?

Recently, Tom Holland claimed that Sony was already prepared with a storyline for writing Peter Parker out of the MCU — not a shocking revelation in the least. Spider-Man is one of the most iconic characters in the world, Tom Holland's celebrity continues to rise with his talent, and the financial success of Venom has likely made Sony comfortable and confident betting on their own team without the input of Kevin Feige.

It's only logical to assume that Sony also has a roadmap of where they want their entire Spider-Verse to go and who they want to showcase.

A surprising number of villains from Spider-Man's rogues' gallery have already made their debut (or will this year), and yet, there are still so many familiar faces missing from Sony's sandbox. Doctor Octopus. Green Goblin. Lizard. Which of Spider-Man's deadliest foes will enter into the fold next?

10. The Spot (Neil Patrick Harris)

The Spot is a silly character at first glance. A white body covered in black circles, one may assume he's a better fit for a 101 Dalmations reboot than Sony's grittier world. The Spot has the ability to create portals to other dimensions, which he uses as weapons and transports during combat.


Dr. Jonathan Ohnn is traditionally shown as a low-level villain that shouldn't be taken seriously. He's a member of the Legion of Losers, a Spider-Man revenge squad composed of other ridiculous characters that the webhead has defeated time and time with minimal effort.

However, The Spot has plenty of potential, especially if the right actor is given the role. Neil Patrick Harris oozes charisma and has the comedic chops needed to make The Spot entertaining. His dramatic talents can add more depth to this character.

Similar to the fan casting that vouched for him as The Riddler, envision a cinematic Spot being introduced and put away swiftly, almost becoming an afterthought in Sony's world. That is, until NPH snaps and forces everyone to take him seriously.

Imagine him ripping Zendaya's MJ or Michelle Williams' Anne Weying away from this world and sending them to some unknown dimension. Intimate yet massive moments like this will help build great character arcs for Sony's protagonists and raising the stakes in this world.
