10 Ways You Know Your Partner Is A Horror Movie Villain

By Mallorie Halsall /

So, you have been dating your partner for a few weeks now and you think surely there€™s gotta be something wrong with them. They treat you so well, but there are times when you just aren€™t sure if they are the person you think you know. We have seen it happen time and time again on the silver screen to innocent people like you and me. They fall for a pretty face, a charming smile, and a great sense of style without realising that they are secretly murdering strangers and neighbors for any number of reasons. If our naive cinematic counterparts had only picked up a few things, they would have known much sooner that they were dating a horror movie villain. I have taken it upon myself to compile a list of ten possible tells that will ultimately reveal your partner€™s hidden murderous tendencies. If you read this list and see one or two of the signs in your actual significant other, rest assured, you are probably safe. If your significant other has more than seven, watch out. I would recommend a break up, but you never know - that alone might bump you up on their hit list.

10. Your Partner Is Entirely Too Overprotective Of You

You€™re sitting in a crowded bar with your lover and all of a sudden a distracted patron knocks into your elbow and you spill your drink all over your lap. A little upset and plenty stained, you rush to get some napkins. Your lover, however, has already made an almost liquid motion of punching said patron in the mouth resulting in his being knocked out cold on the dirty, wet ground with people staring. Sure, in the movie world, this can be seen as a proclamation of love and respect for you. This is what we, in the real world, would like to call overprotective. A perfect on-screen example of such dangerous overprotection can be found in the 1996 classic movie, Fear, starring Mark Wahlberg as a stunningly handsome, yet unnervingly psychotic David McCall who wreaks havoc on his girlfriend Nicole, played by Reese Witherspoon, and her family and friends. David€™s brute strength is put to good use in very noble ways at first, in situations not uncommon to that described above. However, as his relationship with Nicole develops, so does his desire to keep everyone away from her. Going as far as to kill Nicole€™s best male friend for hugging her, David€™s overprotective tendencies managed to put him on the list of horror movie villains.