10 Weirdest Super Magic Nazi Zombies In Cinema

Forget the 'master race': say hi to the Fourth Reich.

By Jack Morrell /

The Second World War has contributed richly to the darkest veins of modern popular culture. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki arguably gave rise to the entirety of post-war Japanese fantasy fiction and cinema, while many have argued that the appalling history of the Holocaust sits like a ghost at the table of every filmmaker of the latter 20th century. And then there€™s the Nazis themselves, the great villains of modern history €“ and of modern cinematic history. Indiana Jones was never as good as when he faced off against the forces of evil in the form of the implacable soldiers of the Führer. Their perennial depiction as a faceless, inhuman, irredeemable legion allows them to occupy the same space in a story as zombies, robot armies and armoured alien invaders: Xeroxed cannon fodder for the heroes to whale on indiscriminately. It€™s not considered to be gratuitous violence when you€™re taking out malignant cannon fodder. Their unassailable position as the workhorse antagonists of popular cinema means that fictional Nazis have often given peculiarly monstrous, malevolent motivations over the years: secret masters engaged in horrifying occult practices (because apparently the actual horrors of the war, the camps and the Holocaust itself aren€™t enough). This perpetuation of the myth that the Nazis were victims of an obsession with the occult inevitably led to narratives featuring Nazi enemies ruled or possessed by demonic forces. That€™s our natural reaction to being faced with the monster inside ourselves: unable to face the abyss within, we project it outwards, €˜other€™ it, turn it into something unseen and unknowable. Hitler (or the sinister, otherworldly power behind him) becomes a wizard or a devil, the German military machine becomes a macabre undead army. All of which means that there are a metric crapload of movies out there featuring supernatural or superpowered Nazis as the Big Bad: super Nazis, magic Nazis, zombie Nazis; ghost Nazis, alien Nazis, robot Nazis. Let€™s hear it for the weirdest examples of a weird-ass subgenre...