10 Weirdest Super Magic Nazi Zombies In Cinema

10. Nazi Werewolf Zombies!

Ahhh, the zombie Nazi, renowned as a faithful staple of the shallow end of the popular culture pool for decades. It€™s debatable where this sub-sub-sub genre actually originated from, but it€™s been featured as a playable mode on Call Of Duty; it€™s been satirised by South Park; there€™s even a few dozen Lego versions on YouTube. Oasis Of The Zombies (1982), known as more profitably as Bloodsucking Nazi Zombies, may be the first of its kind€ but it€™s a terrible movie. Directed by the prolific exploitation movie auteur Jesus Franco (most famous for the Fu Manchu movies starring Christopher Lee, and the inimitable €“ and terrible €“ Vampyros Lesbos), it€™s supposedly about treasure hunters tracking down a lost fortune in Nazi gold, only to find that the dead Afrika Korps who died transporting it are still guarding it today. We say €˜supposedly€™, because it makes no sense whatsoever. Much more recently, writer/director partners Peter John Ross and John Whitney attempted to deliver a definitive version in the US indie effort Horrors Of War (2006). Instead of the more traditional dead-Nazis-return-from-the-grave-to-eat-us spin, Ross and Whitney tell the tale of Hitler€™s greatest secret weapon in World War II: the creation of invincible zombie and monstrous werewolf soldiers. Like Saving Private Ryan (with werewolves and zombies) on a shoestring budget, Horrors Of War really isn€™t too bad a film if, like us, you€™ve spent half your lives deliberately seeking out the most esoteric low budget horror movies to watch on the Friday night before payday. If your expectations for cinema run a little higher, you may not get through the first twenty minutes.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.