10 Worlds Of DC Films That Need To Be Made

How do Warner Bros. start this new era right?

By Alex McMurray /

Both Marvel and DC fans can agree that the former DCEU has not had the best of starts... so long as 'not the best of starts' actually means 'a total dumpster fire'.


By attempting to ride the coattails of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC's plan for a shared universe was overly rushed and despite some excellent performances by the likes of Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot, DC's production quality is miles behind that of Marvel Studios'. It is in such a state that the two highest profile stars, Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck, are heavily linked with giving up on Superman and Batman respectively.

However, things may have taken a turn for the better as the reveals for both Shazam and Aquaman have proven DC are willing to shake things up. The recently revealed 'Worlds of DC' moniker means that the shared universe has become shared universes, allowing DC to become far more adventurous with their filmmaking and perhaps even overtake Marvel as the highest quality comic book movie arteurs going.

Before they can be called that however, these films need to be made.

10. Red Hood

With Ben Affleck's Batman being an aged one at the end of his career, it would be a huge missed opportunity to not dedicate a story to Bruce Wayne's biggest regret, the murder of Jason Todd, while Affleck is still around. While there is much doubt over Affleck returning to play the Caped Crusader, it would be particularly interesting to see how Batfleck's Dark Knight would interact with him, given his own penchant for excessive punishment.


The possibilities for who to play him would be endless. One potential choice would be Adam Driver, who has excelled in the role of a psychotic young man fixated on a man dressed in all black with his role as Kylo Ren in Star Wars.

The biggest nail in the coffin of this film however is that, according to Zack Snyder, the wrong Robin, Dick Grayson, was killed. This could complicate things and probably ruin Red Hood's chances of getting off the ground but a Nightwing film is currently in production, which could adapt some of the Red Hood storyline into this version of the first Robin.
