10 Worlds Of DC Films That Need To Be Made

9. Booster Gold

Batman Under The Red Hood Thumbnail
DC Comics

As hilarious a hero as Booster Gold is, there is potential to make his story a genuinely interesting critique of society. That's probably why there's been talk of a movie for the character for some time now (with the latest update suggesting it is still coming).

His story is simple - Michael Jon Carter is a man from the future using advanced time travel technology he didn't even make to stop crimes from the past and claim the glory for it. With the youth of today already overly reliant on their smartphones, who knows how obsessed with tech the people from Carter's time are?

In the right hands, this could be an empowering tale of a man breaking free of his habitual reliance on technology and becoming a genuine superhero, and with a plethora of young cocky actors in Hollywood right now, there are a number of prime candidates, such as Zac Efron, who has perfected his cocky privileged schtick with roles in Bad Neighbours and The Greatest Showman.

Another promising factor of this is arguably the most 'shipped' bromance in all of D - Booster Gold and Blue Beetle - especially after the Injustice 2 Comic which stoked those flames by having Booster give Ted Kord a kiss before he died.


I'm an English Student at The University of Surrey, and will be writing a lot about Films, Music, Comics and pretty much everything on the site. Opinions are subjective so everybody is right, but some people are just more right than others.