10 Worst Horror Movie Decisions With Unbelievable Consequences

These situations went from bad to HORRIBLE.

By Jack Pooley /

Most horror movies wouldn't really exist without at least a character or two making some less-than-stellar decisions, yet every so often characters do things that have far-reaching implications far beyond anything they could've ever reasonably predicted.


Easy though it is to groan at characters doing reckless or dense things that endanger themselves, these decisions all ended up having absurdly over-the-top, largely unforeseen consequences far others too - perhaps the entire world or even the whole damn universe.

These decisions surely seemed totally reasonable in the minds of the characters carrying them out, even if they ultimately turned out to be massive miscalculations of judgment, resulting in a wealth of suffering and death.

On one hand most of these characters earned a measure of sympathy due to how spectacularly things went off the rails, but on the other, there probably should've been a little voice somewhere in their head telling them that this might not be the smartest idea.

Hindsight is 20:20 as they say, though, and so all these movie characters could do was live with the consequences of their actions - or as the case may be, die with them instead...

10. Investigating The Suspiciously Perfect Planet - Alien: Covenant

Let Alien: Covenant serve as a reminder of one elemental fact: if something looks too good to be true, it almost certainly is.


At the start of the movie, the colonisation ship Covenant is seven years away from the habitable planet Origae-6, with 2,000 colonists and 1,140 human embryos in tow.

But plans change when the crew picks up the sound of a human voice from a nearby planet, which appears to have almost suspiciously superior conditions for life compared to Origae-6.

And despite the protests of terraforming chief Daniels (Katherine Waterston), Captain Oram (Billy Crudup) makes the executive decision to change course and land on this planet instead.

Yet Oram could've never expected the catastrophic knock-on effect this choice would have.

The bulk of the crew, including Oram and his wife, are soon enough killed by alien organisms on the planet, before the two "survivors" - Daniels and Tennessee (Danny McBride) - accidentally grant control of the Covenant to malevolent android David (Michael Fassbender).

Given that the final thing we see in the movie is David placing two Facehugger embryos in cold storage among the human embryos, while Daniels and Tennessee are both helpless in stasis, there's absolutely nobody to challenge David as he continues his deeply screwed-up experiments.

So congratulations, Oram: your eagerness to cut corners got your entire crew killed and probably doomed a couple of thousand colonists, too, not to mention anyone else who might find themselves in David's firing line.
