10 Worst Netflix Movies

What Netflix did to Fullmetal Alchemist should be considered a war crime.

By John Tibbetts /

When Netflix first launched, they didn't need any original content. After all, they had EVERYTHING. Every movie or show you could ever want was right there for one subscription fee.


Well we sure ain't in those days anymore, so Netflix has made up the difference by making their own shows and movies, with blackjack and hookers!

Since then, some have been good, some have been bad, and some have been the worst waste of two hours you could ever experience. Case in point, these movies.

Whether due to Netflix's famous budget constraints, or the bad luck that so often plagues film productions, or the filmmakers just being flat out bad and their resulting films being bad, these are the worst of the worst, the most awful films that Netflix has ever brought onto their platform.

Only rule that applies is that they have to have premiered on Netflix first, other than that, it's all fair game.

10. The Silence

Coming out just one year after the release of the smash hit horror film A Quiet Place, it's easy to write off The Silence as just being an Asylum style ripoff of the much more famous film, seeing as how the plots are near identical.


But the truth is that it isn't... because comparing it to Asylum would be an insult to Asylum.

See, Asylum at least makes their ripoff movies with a degree of self awareness and makes them goofy fun that you can riff on with your friends. That's a valuable service! But The Silence isn't just a ripoff of A Quiet Place, it's one that takes out everything that made that movie work, and just comes out the other end soul crushingly boring.

You will not remember a thing about this movie the minute you click back to the browsing page. Hell, you may even make the mistake of clicking on it again thinking you haven't seen this movie before, only to realize that not only have you seen it before, you've made the same mistake hundreds of times before in a never-ending loop and the FBI has written you off for dead.
