10 Zombie Comedy Horror Movies You Probably Haven't Seen

Gross... but funny!

By James Egan /

George A. Romero changed the realm of horror forever after Night of the Living Dead was unleashed upon the world. At the time, moviegoers couldn't imagine anything more frightening than humanity being turned into mindless zombies who are compelled to devour everyone on sight.


Much like the undead themselves, it wasn't long before the subgenre mutated into something else entirely: zombie comedies. Zomcoms like Evil Dead II, Re-Animator, and Return of the Living Dead proved films could be hysterical, while still remaining bone-chillingly scary. Thanks to hybrid flicks like Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead, zomedies have continued to thrive.

Having said that, there are a horde of ghoulish satires that never get the credit they rightfully deserved. Although seasoned veterans should be acquainted with underrated gems like Dead Snow and Warm Bodies, there are plenty of others that have managed to slip through the cracks.

If you're scouring for more flesh-eating features that tickle your funny bone, look no further. The following ten zombie comedies mightn't be iconic yet, but each of them offer enough gore and laughs to satiate any horror fan.

10. Dead Heat

Dead Heat centres around Mortis (the late Treat Williams) and Bigelow (Joe Piscopo), two detectives who are tasked with taking down zombie criminals.


Not long into the investigation, Mortis is killed in the line of duty. When he's resurrected, Mortis gets right back to work, proving you can't keep a good cop dead. (That's not a joke. That's literally the film's tagline.) Decomposing at a rapid rate, Mortis must solve his own murder before he withers away.

Now, Dead Heat is far from perfect - the dialogue isn't great and the jokes are even worse - but thanks to Williams and Piscopo's effortless chemistry and comic timing, they make the dumbest gags work. For example, anyone who can make the line, "You have the right to remain disgusting" sound funny deserves an Oscar.

Despite the small budget, the special effects are genuinely jaw-dropping, and the scene where Mortis watches a woman decay before his eyes is sure to make almost anyone yell out, "How the hell did they do that?"

If you enjoyed the buddy cop dynamic of Lethal Weapon but always felt like it needed more zombies, Dead Heat is worth a look.
