10 Zombie Comedy Horror Movies You Probably Haven't Seen

9. Juan of the Dead

Doghouse Movie
Metrodome Distribution

Based on the title, Juan of the Dead sounds like a Shaun of the Dead clone - especially since the protagonists of both films wield a wooden paddle as their primary weapon - but rest assured, this Spanish-Cuban comedy is anything but a lazy rehash. 

The story revolves around slacker Juan, whose life is turned upside-down when Cuba becomes overrun by killer cadavers. When authorities refuse to resolve the issue, Juan becomes a zombie-killer-for-hire to make ends meet.

Even though Juan of the Dead has cliched characters, it gets away with it thanks to the solid performances and sharp dialogue. It also boasts some gnarly gore and tremendous kills, with one particular highlight seeing a horde of flesh-eaters skewered simultaneously by a razor wire - much like in Ghost Ship's prologue.

Though the political subtext is as subtle as a sledgehammer, it's surprisingly educational. Also, the idea that the government refuses to acknowledge the dead uprising is genius.

The fact JOTD is able to balance goofy slapstick and politically-charged drama is a feat few horror comedies have managed to pull off as effectively.

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