11 Questions From The New Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer

Oh boy.

By Alex Leadbeater /

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2emsyx_avengers-age-of-ultron-11-questions-from-the-new-trailer_shortfilms Marvel movies are sometimes bemoaned for their adherence to formula, but it looks like there's no strings on Avengers: Age Of Ultron. The latest trailer for Joss Whedon's super-team sequel has just dropped online, delivering another exciting glimpse of the summer's most hotly anticipated movie. The trailer itself is a good half-a-minute shorter than the previous teaser, meaning there's little danger of major plot beats being spoiled. Instead, this is a decidedly old-school trail, setting up the basic character interactions and showing some of the great effects work, without detailing the whole plot beat-by-beat. Overall, Age Of Ultron looks like it could be the Marvel Cinematic Universe's equivalent of The Empire Strikes Back - a darker second chapter that deepens the world and sends the plot off into some more exciting, and unique, places. After Ant-Man's trailer proved distinctly underwhelming last week, seeing Marvel show some of their trade-mark swagger was a distinct relief. Although the trailer's slight, it does offer up some key talking points, not least some enticing questions, ten of which will be addressed here. Most of what follows is speculation, but there's enough of a chance that many of these elements will end up true that this article comes with a potential spoiler warning.
