11. Are These Guys Escaping From HYDRA?
The trailer kicks off with Hawkeye shepherding a bunch running civilians into some massive transport ship. To fans of the archer burned by his minor part in the first film, it's more reassurance he'll play a more important role this time around. But of course, there's questions aplenty from this moment too. Chief among them - what's actually going on? Are Marvel pre-emptively dealing with any Man Of Steel-esque mass-destruction complaints by having the Avengers shown as community-minded heroes? Or is this actually something more important? The film reportedly kicks off with the Avengers cleaning up the mess from the S.H.I.E.L.D./HYDRA fall-out, so could this be an early part of the movie, seeing them saving some prisoners from the nefarious organisation, maybe even attacking the base of Baron Strucker, the villain glimpsed in the mid-credits sting of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. A subsequent shot sees Scarlett Witch screaming on her knees in a similar locale, which given the hinted arc of her character could make this a very important moment.