12 Annoying Fanboy Complaints That Drive Everyone Insane

Because nobody can decide how The Joker is supposed to be portrayed.

By Jack Pooley /

Fanboyism is an unavoidable part of pop-culture as a whole, and at its best, can be a joyous celebration of a given movie, video game or book franchise. At its worst, however, it can give rise to petulant whining, and rather childish assertions that said property is, in fact, more important than the very air you breathe. The Internet has, of course, given every fanboy a voice, allowing them to organise en masse without the need to ever endure each other in public, and practically anyone who has ever seen a major movie will no doubt have come across some of the more unsavoury, salivating, obsessive fanboy types. They'll nitpick everything to death and refuse to just sit back and simply enjoy a movie for what it is, they'll throw their money at everything the company makes without thinking about whether they really need that Chrome Steelbook Blu-ray when they already own the movie, and despite their obvious passion, they can often prove rather intolerable to more casual audiences. A bizarre contradiction of being arguably the best and worst thing for the movies in question, here are 12 annoying fanboy complaints that drive everyone insane. And if you're not guilty of at least one or two of them, you're probably lying...