12 Awful Films Star Trek Actors Want Us To Forget

Surely Jeri Ryan regrets Dracula 2000?

By AT Steel /

Ever since it first beamed onto screens over half a century ago, Star Trek - and the subsequent voyages of its star-bound crews - have captivated fans all over the world.


From the adventures of Kirk and Spock, through the exploits of Picard and Riker, on television and film and back round to the reboot of the Kelvin timeline, audiences have thrilled to their five-year missions and more.

Away from the franchise too, its stars have enjoyed the limelight too, from awards season success through treading the boards on stage.

But for every copper-bottomed hit, there has to be a dud - and the cast of Star Trek, both in film and television, have seen their share of stinkers.

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From Patrick Stewart and Jason Isaacs in dismal potboiler action flicks through Whoopi Goldberg and Jonathan Frakes' misjudged kid-friendly fare, there's virtually no filmography for any actor where there isn't at least one absolute clanger.

Here's a dozen such movies that the crew of the USS Enterprise would boldly hope they'd never have to see again - and bonus points if they encountered another crew member along the way...

12. DeForest Kelley (Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy) - Night Of The Lepus

The Georgia-born star was arguably best known for his roles in the western genre away from the Enterprise, working often with the pair of producer A. C. Lyles and director William F. Claxton.


When the duo decided to swap their saddle bags out for sci-fi too, Kelley was one of their more old cohorts they brought with them, for a tale of mutant rabbits savaging the local town following some genetic experimentation gone wrong.

The eventual film has gone on to become the sort of picture that almost qualifies for "so-good-it's-bad" cult classic status, but it falls perhaps just shy - and for Kelley, it marked a critical low point in-between the original Star Trek series and the subsequent films.
