12 Horror Movie Idiots Who Caused Their Own Doom

Maybe just don't open the CREEPY BOOK OF DEATH next time!

By James Metcalfe /

Whilst there have undoubtedly been some exceptions to this, horror isn't typically seen as a genre filled to the brim with capable and competent individuals.


Part of the enjoyment in the world of horror is seeing stupid people and stupider decisions punished. Films in the genre aren't like most others in the sense that if you mess up in a horror movie, you're probably going to feel the full force of your mistake via a gruesome kill or untold levels of destruction. There aren't any grand old wizards on hand to protect you from harm, there aren't any legendary Jedi Masters ready and available to part their wisdom and explain the best course of action, it's just you and your foe.

With that being said, as Scream taught us all, there are certain rules that you should look to follow if you hope to make it out of a horror film unscathed. From not messing around with obviously cursed objects, to actually trying to run away from your would-be killer, it's amazing how many characters there have been in horror movie history who have seen these rules as optional over the years.

Here's our take on the leading 12 horror movie idiots whose poor decision making brought about a lot of problems for them.

12. Wendy's Shoddy Nap Timings - The Shining

Stanley Kubrick's 1989 adaptation of Stephen King's The Shining is one of horror's most infamous films, and saw a fresh surge in popularity thanks to the recent release of 2019's Doctor Sleep.


The original film follows Jack, Wendy and Danny Torrence, a troubled family who are relocate to the mysterious Overlook Hotel for the winter when Jack accepts a job as the caretaker. Jack is an aggressive, troubled individual who Wendy is constantly trying to see the good in, but is ultimately only used as a punching bag for her husband to belittle and snap at.

When Jack stars to be taken over by the Overlook's past, he takes this aggression to a new level and attacks Wendy. She overcomes her husband however and even manages to knock him out and toss him in the Overlook's kitchen pantry.

This is where things get a little bit questionable for Wendy who decides that, instead of fleeing with her son away from the man hellbent on killing them both, it would be the best time to take a nap instead. Jack naturally escapes the pantry and both Wendy and Danny are put through even more terror.
