12 Major Implications Of Spider-Man Joining Marvel's Phase 3

Incy wincy spider, climbed up the blockbuster ladder...

By Simon Gallagher /

The news that Spider-Man has finally been caught in Marvel's gigantic MCU shaped net has been met with inevitably extreme reactions: some say Marvel don't need it, that they're pandering to fan-boys and running the risk of helping Sony out to their own cost, while others have simply exploded in a shower of comic book movie excitement. However you feel about the revelation - and if you're a fan of Civil War as a comic book arc, then you should have nothing but joy in your heart - it is now as much of a thing as Andrew Garfield's rather public dismissal from the role (let's hope someone told him before Marvel put out that press release, at least). And as far as fans of both the MCU and Spider-Man films (there are still millions of them out there), the news is going to have some pretty major effects on the shape of both Phase 3 and Sony's grand vision for a unified, expanded Spider-Man universe. This isn't a matter of a simple cameo: the unholy alliance of Sony and Marvel is a dramatic, many-headed beast and its shockwaves are going to be felt long before - and indeed long after - Captain America: Civil War is released next year...
