12 Movies Christopher Nolan Should Make Next

What coming after Interstellar?

By Jack Pooley /

With Christopher Nolan's latest sci-fi opus Interstellar now out in the wild, fans have already been readily discussing what the acclaimed filmmaker might move onto next, considering his typically short turnaround with projects (around 2-3 years). Given the sheer number of projects the director has been attached to in the past and the number of genres he has yet to dabble in, there's plenty of potential for Nolan's next film to serve up a distinctly different experience. That said, Nolan has strictly ruled out directing a comedy (and thank God), and there's not much of a desire to see the director tackle a heist movie because it'll likely just pale in comparison to the fiendish originality of Inception. So, what else could Nolan tackle next? Well, there's one major project Nolan very nearly made a decade ago, around a billion franchises that would kill to have him aboard, a possible return to lower-budget fare, and of course, a number of genres that would fit his directing style like a glove. More than anything, hopefully Nolan will surprise us with his next project: another high-budget sci-fi would feel somewhat redundant after the ambition of Interstellar, and why would he want to repeat himself? Besides, wouldn't it be somewhat hilarious to see the reaction of the "Nolanites" if the director makes a $3 million chamber piece that they have absolutely no interest in? Here are 12 movies that Christopher Nolan absolutely could (and should) make next...