12 Movies Christopher Nolan Should Make Next

12. Citizen Hughes

In the early 2000s, Nolan was planning to direct a Howard Hughes biopic starring Jim Carrey in the lead role, apparently based on Michael Drosnin€™s book Citizen Hughes: The Power, the Money and the Madness. However, Scorsese's accelerated production on the Leonardo DiCaprio-starring The Aviator soon enough put the kibosh on those plans, as it wasn't seen as commercially viable to try and follow Scorsese's lead. However, over a decade later, Nolan has again been asked about the project during the press rounds for Interstellar, and said, "I think it€™s the best script I€™ve ever written". Considering that Citizen Hughes is concerned heavily with the OCD-addled neurosis of Hughes' later years (something the Scorsese film mentioned only in passing), it's safe to say that there's definitely plenty of room for a very different biopic of the man. Christian Bale as Howard Hughes, perhaps? How Likely Is It?: When asked about whether it was a viable project, Nolan replied, "I have no idea", so though far from a flat-out rejection, it's clearly not weighing heavily on the director's mind right now. Still, it would be a welcome change of pace and help broaden the filmmaker's back catalogue. It's neither a sure thing nor tremendously unlikely. 6/10.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.