12 Upcoming Movies That Are Destined To Be Divisive

Behold, the subject of the next 12 months worth of fandom arguments.

By Helen Jones /

With a slew of some of the most contentious types of movies – reboots and remakes, book and comic adaptations, sequels and politically controversial flicks – being released between now and 2017, cinema-goers are set to be divided in a way that hasn’t been seen since Interstellar.


Perhaps in part due to the sheer over-abundance of said films these days, resuscitating source material has always been a potentially disastrous move with prototype purists all too ready to jump on the critical bandwagon, whereas sequels are equally as likely to stir up mixed reactions amongst fan bases. Add to that a few politically controversial themes including female-fronted films, questionably ethical computer hacking and slave rebellions alongside the recent legacy that was Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters remake, and these movies are bound to get audiences talking. And fighting.

As the old adage goes 'one man’s trash is another man’s treasure’ and there are a number of extremely high profile upcoming films that could very easily split audiences right down the middle.


Here are the biggest potential fans to those fandom flames...