12 Ways To Make A Hulk Movie That Doesn't Actually Suck

How to make a SMASH.

By Simon Gallagher /

It surely has to happen, doesn't it? Marvel have to give the big green monster another day in the sun after he stole The Avengers and then helped build one of the best sequences in Age Of Ultron. Sure, there will be concerns that two prior failures suggests a downward trend, but it's unlikely anyone would make anything as odd as Ang Lee's attempt, or as sloppy and fragmented as The Incredible Hulk.


The MCU is ready for a new dawn for Hulk. Just as long as it's not a brand new start, because Joss Whedon has already done all of the necessary establishing work and there's only so much rebooting any fandom can take. All that Marvel need now is a plan of action: and luckily for them, there are some pretty simple guidelines that could easily make a successful Hulk movie.

Forget for a minute that Marvel don't seem to know whether they've got the full rights to make a movie, and that Universal might have a counter claim: at some point they will return to Marvel, and we'll (hopefully) finally get a stand-alone Hulk movie that does the character justice.


And here's how you'd do it...

12. For God's Sake Don't Do An Origin Again

You might think that Hulk's current status as one of The Avengers (or at least a departing member) would protect the world from having to see another origin movie, but you should never rule out any film studio's capacity for insane levels of repetitive behaviour.


Look at Spider-Man: they've now done his origin twice, resetting him to school for The Amazing Spider-Man and exploring his superheroism as an allegory for puberty in almost exactly the same way as they did it the first time. Now, because that franchise failed (it was a relative failure, you don't get to wildly criticise The Amazing Spider-Man 2 with impunity around me) Marvel are resetting his age again.

This time he's even younger, and though they're avoiding the origin in Civil War, they'll probably still look at exactly the same ideas when it comes to stand-alone time.


They definitely need to avoid that with Hulk: we don't want (or need) to see a Dr Jekyll And Mr Hulk movie that primarily explores the experiment. And if Marvel even try and suggest a prequel, we should all take to the Internet to admonish them forcibly. Because that always works.