12 Worst Movies To Netflix And Chill To

How not to set the mood.

By Helen Jones /

€˜Netflix and chill€™ is basically the €˜are you coming up for coffee?€™ of the Instagram generation. But while hearing the phrase uttered today, or seeing it pop up in a WhatsApp message more likely, is a pretty good sign that you€™re on a promise; it wasn€™t always that way. Back when the phrase was first bandied about - in 2009 if you really wanted to know - it simply referred to having some relaxing alone time (not that kind of alone time) while taking in a movie. But then people bragging about their sex lives on Twitter started accompanying the phrase with winky face and thumbs up emojis and €˜Netflix and chill€™ started to take on its current innuendo. Regardless of its innocent origins, it€™s now an accepted euphemism for getting laid but choosing the right kind of movie to €˜set the mood€™, as it were, is a fine art. Get it right and you€™ll hopefully be too distracted to make it to the end of the film, get it wrong and your Netflix buddy could be running for the door. What works for some won€™t for others, but as a basic guideline here€™s ten films you definitely don€™t want to Netflix and chill to.
