13 Awesome Comic Book Movie Facts You Didn't Know In 2014

TWO Batman cameos?!

By Simon Gallagher /

It's only six weeks into 2015 and already the comic book movie genre is an entirely different prospect to what it was even as Marvel unveiled their slate for Phase 3, DC announced their grand plan for a unified universe and Sony messed up Spider-Man again. With the MCU announcing a massive special guest, and more concrete plans taking shape for some of the 50 or so comic book films that are currently in various stages of production, there's enough information coming out to keep eyes very firmly on screens. And at this rate, there'll be at least 100 big comic book new stories due for the rest of the year. But while the world goes Oscar crazy, and the comic book movie newshound continues his scatter-gun announcements it's all-too easy to miss the new revelations and trivia concerning past superhero movies. So with that in mind, now's as good a time as any to run back through the biggest stories the genre has spawned so far this year...