13 Predictions For Next Summer's Biggest Movies

Cap's luck finally runs out.

By Jack Pooley /

Marvel Studios

Though summer blockbuster season is currently in full-swing for 2018, it's never too early to look ahead at what the future holds, and it's fair to say that summer 2019 is already jam-packed with hugely-anticipated tentpole movies.


From the insanely-hyped follow-up to Avengers: Infinity War to Warner Bros' attempt to keep DC afloat, Disney's continued efforts to dominate the box office and every reboot, sequel and spin-off in-between, there's a lot in the air for audiences to speculate on.

From character deaths to epic reveals, Rotten Tomatoes scores and box office totals, here are some educated guesses for how 13 of next summer's most-talked about movies will turn out.


Of course, we'd love to be wrong in many cases - and totally on-the-money in others - but if blockbuster cinema can consistently tell us anything, it's that you should always be ready to be surprised.

After all, who could've ever predicted that Solo: A Star Wars Story would gross less than Rampage, or that the sixth Mission: Impossible movie would end up among the best-reviewed action movies ever?
