13 Predictions For Next Summer's Biggest Movies

13. Shazam! Is A Surprise Hit, Grosses $600 Million

Shazam Zachary Levi
Warner Bros.

Prediction: Despite being one of the riskier bets in the Worlds of DC universe to date, Shazam!'s fun and straight-forward marketing will help propel it to an impressive $600 million worldwide, no matter how it ends up reviewing.

Considering how pleasantly surprising the movie's Comic-Con trailer was and how it seems to be a million miles away from the dreary tone of prior franchise efforts, this could help catapult it to smash hit territory.

Why It Might Not Happen: Obviously if the film ends up thoroughly panned by critics, it's likely to suffer accordingly with audiences, no matter the clear appeal to children.

Also, its release is sandwiched between the guaranteed commercial dynamo Dumbo and the riskier bet of The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle, so these two movies could end up stealing its box office gravy.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.