14 Awesome Star Wars Deleted Scenes

The force is strong with these moments.

By Alex Leadbeater /

For a long time Star Wars deleted scenes were as hard to come across as someone who doesn't love Boba Fett. There were a lot of rumoured moments allegedly left on the cutting room floor, such as the sandstorm following the destruction of Jabba's Sail Barge in Return Of The Jedi, but aside from the odd on-set photo there was little evidence of these sequences that almost happened in that galaxy far, far away.


Now, thanks to the release of The Complete Saga Blu-Ray and the general sharing of theories on the internet, we can see the moments from all six films that didn't quite make the finished cut. And boy are there some doozies in there.

Some deleted scenes have found their way into the films in some form over the various re-releases - Episode I on DVD has a longer podrace second lap and the reuniting of Luke and Biggs before the Battle of Yavin was added to A New Hope in the Special Editions (which needed special editing to hide a reference to the latter's father) - but for now let's the look at the ones that have remained unanimously special features.


Here are fourteen awesome deleted scenes from Star Wars, as well as our opinion on whether they should have been cut or not.