15 Best Movie Deaths Of 2016

Seppuku, shootouts and decapitation included – here are the year’s best death scenes.

By Helen Jones /

Given the impact that a good old death scene can have in a movie, it’s not surprising that directors trot out the character death trope so often. But simply killing off a character with no creativity won’t get your movie placed in a list like this.


The secret to a good death scene is hard to pinpoint. It doesn’t necessarily have to happen to a hero or villain, or even a central character, but it does need to have some kind of impact on the audience, whether that is a tidal wave of tears, raucous laughter, or recoiling in horror and disgust.

This year moviegoers have been treated to some great death scenes from a huge range of genres, from comic book blockbusters and comedies to historic dramas and horror films. Some are tear-jerkers, some hilarious and some just downright gory so brace yourself for a run-down of 2016’s best movie deaths. Seppuku, shootouts and decapitation included.

15. Captain America: Civil War – Howard And Maria Stark

It’s not exactly breaking news that Tony Stark – like so many other superheroes – is an orphan child, his parents having died in a car crash in 1991. Nor is it terribly surprising when the big reveal in Captain America: Civil War turns out to be none other than Bucky Barnes himself, since this was first teased a couple of Marvel Cinematic Universe movies ago.


But what gives Howard and Maria Stark’s death scene impact is seeing Tony’s reaction to the revelation that it was indeed Bucky, while under the control of Hydra, that took his parents life and that Captain America kept this rather important bit of information from him.

Moreover, the truth surrounding the deaths of Howard and Maria Stark are the catalyst for the rift that splits the Avengers right down the middle, and at a time when the world needs Earth’s Mightiest Heroes the most. Their deaths are a monumental moment whose effects are sure to ripple through future MCU movies for years to come.
